Hot Women/Girls With Big Boobs

Pure Breast Care - Hot Women/Girls With Big Boobs. This story provided for informational purposes only Breast Health Information about Breast Size. Women with larger boobs were picked up (or rather offered rides) more frequently than women with smaller boobs. See detail about Big Boobs story at here Pure Breast Care - Hot Women/Girls With Big Boobs.

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This just seem to like women with big boobs... In an article entitled, "The Allure of a Female Hitchhiker's Breast Size (To Male Drivers)" Gad Saad, Ph.D points us toward a study done by Nicolas Guéguen detailing the correlation to a woman's breast size with the likelihood of a male stranger offering to give her a ride while hitchhiking.

In an article entitled, "The Allure of a Female Hitchhiker's Breast Size (To Male Drivers)" Gad Saad, Ph.D points us toward a study done by Nicolas Guéguen detailing the correlation to a woman's breast size with the likelihood of a male stranger offering to give her a ride while hitchhiking. Shock horror!

Women with larger boobs were picked up (or rather offered rides) more frequently than women with smaller boobs. What is the purpose of this study? I think we're all pretty much in agreement that, on average, men seem to prefer women with bigger boobs. Maybe it's time we did some studies to learn things that…well…we don't already know.
By Wil
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  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Bigger breast attracts everyone and every women wants bigger breast.


Please live good comment :)

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