Doctor Looks for on Your Mammogram

Breast health information - Doctor Looks for on Your Mammogram. Knowing about you  mammogram, and familiar with your mammogram. What the doctor looks for on your mammogram. The doctor reading your mammogram will look for several types of changes : Calcifications are tiny mineral deposits within the breast tissue, which look like small white spots on the films. They may or may not be caused by cancer. Breast health information - Doctor Looks for on Your Mammogram. (more : Cancer Society Recommendations for Breast Cancer - Women With Very High Breast Cancer Risk)

There are 2 types of calcifications :

· Macrocalcifications are coarse (larger) calcium deposits that are most likely changes in the breasts caused by aging of the breast arteries, old injuries, or inflammation. These deposits are related to non-cancerous conditions and do not require a biopsy. Macrocalcifications are found in about half the women over 50, and in about 1 of 10 women under 50.

· Microcalcifications are tiny specks of calcium in the breast. They may appear alone or in clusters. Microcalcifications seen on a mammogram are of more concern, but still usually do not mean that cancer is present. The shape and layout of microcalcifications help the radiologist judge how likely it is that cancer is present. If the calcifications look suspicious for cancer, a biopsy will be done.

A mass, which may occur with or without calcifications, is another important change seen on a mammogram. Masses can be many things, including cysts (non-cancerous, fluid-filled sacs) and non-cancerous solid tumors (such as fibroadenomas), but they could also be cancer.

Cysts can be simple fluid-filled sacs (known as simple cysts) or can be partially solid (known as complex cysts). Simple cysts are benign and don’t need to be biopsied. Any other type of mass (such as a complex cyst or a solid tumor) might need to be biopsied to be sure it isn’t cancer.

· A cyst and a tumor can feel alike on a physical exam. They can also look the same on a mammogram. To confirm that a mass is really a cyst, a breast ultrasound is often done. Another option is to remove (aspirate) the fluid from the cyst with a thin, hollow needle.

· If a mass is not a simple cyst (that is, if it is at least partly solid), then you may need to have more imaging tests. Some masses can be watched with periodic mammograms, while others may need a biopsy. The size, shape, and margins (edges) of the mass help the radiologist determine if cancer is present.

Having your previous mammograms available for the radiologist is very important. They can show that a mass or calcification has not changed for many years. This would mean that it is probably a benign condition and a biopsy is not needed.
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