Why Dominant Women Have Breasts (big)?

Scientific experts or scientists have often tried to explain why humans with only the female sex who have breast-feeding in which the prominent features even when they're not breastfeeding. In all other species, the breast develops only during pregnancy and lactation, not during puberty. There is no real advantage. If women do not experience breast growth during puberty, he will still be able to produce quality milk enough to supply the baby. Educated men have argued that women have breasts that stand out as a result of natural selection or sexual selection. The belief that since women with large breasts are considered more dminati by applicants and as a result the problem is more common. The problem in this concept is based solely upon consideration of western society about what is interesting. This can be seen in the fact that breast size is rarely as important in most societies. Breast only as a source of food for infants and small children by the community. I have never heard of any case where a woman has small breasts can not or can not get seoang partner. I believe the reason why women experience breast development during puberty. Possible side effects of some biological need that is not easily visible.

Perhaps it is an experience that actually experienced by humans in pairs of women who are experiencing increased estrogen during puberty than any other mammalian creatures. More often, a breast is indeed a breast.
To Be Continued...
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